Canine Arthritis Management: How to help a dog with arthritis

Vet comforting a dog with suffering from arthritis joint pain

Remember when your dog loved going for a run at the park with other dogs? or jumping up on their favourite sofa? But with age you may have noticed they are slowing down and jumping up is no longer an option. Arthritis is a common health problem amongst dogs. In fact, studies show that 20% of adult dogs and 80% of dogs over the age of 8 have osteoarthritis. Unfortunately, there are no cures for this common joint disease but there are things you can do to manage your dog’s condition. We have compiled a list of 10 things that you as a dog owner can do to make life a little easier for your arthritic dog. Work with your veterinarian to design a holistic arthritis management plan for your dog that combines the many points discussed here.

Table of Contents

Food for Arthritic Dog

There are some excellent dog foods outs there, specifically formulated for those suffering from joint conditions. However, there are plenty of foods out there that may make your dog's condition worse. You should be looking for a diet that helps reduce inflammation.

Avoid foods that are highly processed and contain refined grains. Instead, opt for foods with whole grains or sweet potatoes and brightly coloured fruits and vegetables. Oily fish such as mackerel, sardines and salmons are also great choices as they contain healthy fats. Be careful when giving a diet with eggs and meats as they can potentially aggravate inflammation. Choose leaner cuts with less fat.

Another factor to consider is what format the food is in. Large kibble can be hard on senior dogs teeth. Wet food can be easier for the dog to eat but it can be more difficult to store as it may require refrigeration. You may also want to consider giving your dog a raw diet or cooking the food for your dog. And then of course you must consider taste. Some dogs can be picky about what they eat so you might have to experiment with different foods to find the one they like. You can also boost their diet with supplements like green lipped mussels to add beneficial nutrients that promote healthy joints.

Black Labrador getting food

Joint Supplements for Dogs

Supplements like green lipped mussel containing nutrients such as Omega 3 fatty acids, chondroitin sulphate, glucosamine and glycosaminoglycans have been known to promote healthy joint function.

It is important that you give your dog high-quality supplements with an adequate dose of green lipped mussel. There are plenty of green lipped mussel supplements in the market that contain inadequate amount of mussel powder and are processed using heat which alters the properties leaving little nutrients.

Read ‘Green Lipped Mussel: Best joint supplement for dogs?’ to see what to watch out for when buying supplements for your dog.

Dog food with nz green lipped mussel capsules

Exercising your Dog with Arthritis

Regardless of your dog’s age and severity of arthritis it is important to maintain a low impact exercise regimen throughout their life. This will help maintain a healthy muscle mass, manage their weight, and keep joints flexible. Avoid exercises that cause strain to the joints such as jumping and running. Instead, opt for a short walk at a pace that is comfortable for your dog.

Swimming is great for dogs with arthritis as it doesn’t put a strain on the joints. However, it is important to remember not all dog breeds are natural swimmers. Some dogs with short legs and log bodies (e.g., Dachshunds) or bodyweight distributions (e.g., Bulldogs) make it hard for them to swim. They may require a life jacket. Also, not all dogs are the same. Some dogs can’t wait to take a dip in the pool while others are terrified of the water. Introduce your dog to the water slowly and make it a fun experience for them.

Dog Beds for Arthritic Dogs

You must give your dogs a comfortable bed to rest their aching arthritic joints. Ideally, you want to give your dog multiple options to choose from. Our dog has a warm orthopaedic bed, soft mat (ideal for hot summer days) and a few other choices spread out around the house. Her favourite is still the first bed she has had since she was a puppy (even though she can barely fit!).

White German Shepherd sleeping on dog bed

Making it easier to Move Around the house

Getting into cars, getting on beds, or even bending down to reach the food or water may become painful for dogs with arthritis. Consider getting a sloped ramp with a rough surface for traction to help your dog be more mobile. You can buy dog bowls that are elevated for easier access to food and water.  Wooden and tiled surfaces can be slippery for dogs and don’t absorb the impact making it painful for the joints. Providing a carpeted area for your dog will make it easier for them to walk and lessen the stress on their joints. Stop your dog from walking on wet surfaces to prevent injury from slipping.

Arthritis Massage for your Dog

Your dog’s aching joints will be sore to the touch. So, your dog may be reluctant to allow you to touch them however, a gentle massage can stimulate blood flow, ease the pain, and provide comfort. There are also certified canine massage therapists who can provide this service and show you techniques to massage your dog. You can also try a warm compress on your dog’s joint but take care to ensure excess heat is not applied to avoid injuries.

Dog getting a massage for sore arthritic joints

Weight Management for Arthritic Dogs

Managing a healthy weight in dogs with arthritis is crucial. Obesity and arthritis have a complex relationship. Some studies have shown that healthy body weight helps prevent arthritis from developing in the first place. However, arthritis may make it difficult to maintain a healthy weight in your dog as they are less active. If your pet is obese and has already developed arthritis, reducing weight can help better manage the condition. The two main factors in combating obesity are a healthy diet and regular exercise and discussed earlier in this blog post. Avoid the temptation of giving your dog too many treats. Your veterinarian for if you believe your dog is obese for expert advice.

Dog Physiotherapy & Complementary Therapy

Arthritic dogs show improvement with physiotherapy and complementary therapies such as acupuncture and hydrotherapy. It may help manage the pain as well as keep your dog active.

Small dog swimming in water with a life vest

Pharmaceuticals – Drugs for Arthritis

If your dog has severe arthritis that is difficult to manage with supplements, a healthy diet, exercise and physiotherapy, your vet may suggest using NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs). NSAIDs are effective at reducing inflammation and pain however they should be used on a very limited basis with caution. There are numerous side effects and can be severe. Make sure you discuss the side effects with your veterinarian.

Arthritis Laser Therapy

Veterinary laser therapy can help dogs with arthritis by reducing inflammation and pain. It is a pain-free and non-invasive treatment. However, it can be costly and there is not enough research available on the topic. The limited experimental evidence in veterinary species shows mixed results.


In summary, there are many things you can do as a pet owner to manage your dog’s arthritic condition. An integrated approach that combines the various aspects should be taken. Talk to your veterinarian to design an arthritis management plan that works for your dog.




Disclaimer: The content on this website is for educational purpose only. We recommend you talk to your veterinarian if you have any concerns, if the lameness worsens or are unsure. Products on this website are not intended to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent any disease. The statements made on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.

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